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Writer's pictureSheryl Tagab


Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Looking back to the Old English happenings


•Old English is the language and literature of the Anglo Saxon.

•Anglo Saxon ruled England from 450 AD to 1066.

•Old English is directly related to modern English (many of our words came from Old English).

•Old English was first oral (with Runic Inscriptions) then used alphabet (with some special characters) writing on manuscripts.

•Old English is term used to refer to the language and literature spoken and written in England during the rule of Anglo Saxons.

•The English language and English literature began with the recorded history of Britain.

The early history of England includes five invasions which contributed to the development of the English language and influenced the literature.


Roman Invasion

While there is no direct linguistic connection, the Roman occupation of Britain and their subsequent abandonment of the country set the stage for the most important invasion, the Anglo-Saxon invasion which provided the foundation of the English language.

Anglo-Saxon Invasion

The culture of the Anglo-Saxon is much in evidence in Old English Literature, especially in the concept of the Germanic heroic ideal. The primary attribute of the heroic ideal was excellence- excellence in all that was important to the tribe: hunting, sea-faring, fighting.

Christian Invasion

The arrival of Christianity in Britain was as influential on the language and the culture, and therefore on the literature. Christianity was not unknown in Britain when St. Augustine arrived in 597 but had appeared during the time of the Romans. However, Christianity was suppressed along with the Celtic Tribes during Anglo-Saxon Invasions. St. Augustine arrived on a mission to Christianize the pagan Anglo-Saxons, and the literature of time bears witness to his influence. Celtic Christianity continued to spread from the northern and western reaches.

Vikings Invasion

The Vikings were from the area now known as Scandinavia. While they shared cultural similarities with the Anglo-Saxons, they brought their own language, another impact on the development English Language. Words such as sky, skin, wagon, originated with the language of the Vikings.

Norman Invasion

The year 1066 is possibly the most important date in the history of Britain and in the development of the English Language. When William the Conqueror defeated the English King Harold at the battle of Hastings, he brought to England a new language and a new culture. Old French became the language of the court, of the government, the church, and all the aristocratic entities. Old English, the language of the Anglo-Saxons, existed only among conquered lower orders of society. However, within 3 to 400 years, the English language emerged, greatly enriched by French vocabulary and distinctly different from the Anglo-Saxon’s Old English, Chaucer’s Language, now referred to as Middle English.


Geoffrey Chaucer. He was born in London sometime between 1340 and 1344. He was an English author, poet, philosopher,bureaucrat (courtier), and diplomat. He is also referred to as the father of English Literature.

Why is Old English Important?

It shows us where English came from and how it relates to other languages and it tells us about the history, society, and geography of England.

Inspiring words and story from the bible

Psalm XIII.

Unto The End, A Psalm OF David.

1. "For Christ is the end of the law to every one that believeth." "How long, O Lord, wilt Thou forget me unto the end?" (ver. 1) that is, put me off as to spiritually understanding Christ, who is the Wisdom of God, and the true end of all the aim of the soul. "How long dost Thou turn away Thy face from me?" As God doth not forget, so neither doth He turn His face away: but Scripture speaks after our manner. Now God is said to turn away His face, when He doth not give to the soul, which as yet hath not the pure eye of the mind, the knowledge of Himself.

2. "How long shall I place counsel in my soul?" (ver. 2). There is no need of counsel but in adversity. Therefore "How long shall I place counsel in my soul?" is as if it were said, How long shall I be in adversity? Or at least it is an answer, so that the meaning is this, So long, O Lord, wilt Thou forget me to the end, and so long turn away Thy face from me, until I shall place counsel in mine own soul: so that except a man place counsel in his own soul to work mercy perfectly, God will not direct him to the end, nor give him that full knowledge of Himself, which is "face to face." "Sorrow in my heart through the day?" How long shall I have, is understood. And "through the day" signifies continuance, so that day is taken for time: from which as each one longs to be free, he has sorrow in his heart, making entreaty to rise to things eternal, and not endure man's day. 3. "How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?" either the devil, or carnal habit.

4. "Look on me, and hear me, O Lord my God" (ver. 3). "Look on me," refers to what was said, "How long" dost "Thou turn away Thy face from me." "Hear," refers to what was said," How long wilt Thou forget me to the end? Lighten mine eyes, that I sleep not in death." The eyes of the heart must be understood, that they be not closed by the pleasurable eclipse of sin.

5. "Lest at any time mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him" (ver. 4). The devil's mockery is to be feared. "They that trouble me will exult, if I be moved;" the devil and his angels; who exulted not over that righteous man, Job, when they troubled him; because he was not moved, that is, did not draw back from the stedfastness of his faith.

6. "But I have hoped in Thy mercy" (ver. 5). Because this very thing, that a man be not moved, and that he abide fixed in the Lord, he should not attribute to self: lest when he glories that he hath not been moved, he be moved by this very pride. "My heart shall exult in Thy salvation;" in Christ, in the Wisdom of God. "I will sing to the Lord who hath given me good things;" spiritual good things, not belonging to man's day. "And I will chant to the name of the Lord most high" (ver. 6); that is, I give thanks with joy, and in most due order employ my body, which is the song of the spiritual soul. But if any distinction is to be marked here, "I will sing" with the heart, "I will chant" with my works; "to the Lord," that which He alone seeth, but "to the name of the Lord," that which is known among men, which is serviceable not for Him, but for us.

The Prodigal Son

The story of the Prodigal Son, also known as the Parable of the Lost Son, follows immediately after the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. With these three parables, Jesus demonstrated what it means to be lost, how heaven celebrates with joy when the lost are found, and how the loving Father longs to save people. Jesus was also responding to the Pharisees' complaint: "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."

The story of the Prodigal Son begins with a man who has two sons. The younger son asks his father for his portion of the family estate as an early inheritance. Once received, the son promptly sets off on a long journey to a distant land and begins to waste his fortune on wild living. When the money runs out, a severe famine hits the country and the son finds himself in dire circumstances. He takes a job feeding pigs. Eventually, he grows so destitute that he even longs to eat the food assigned to the pigs. The young man finally comes to his senses, remembering his father. In humility, he recognizes his foolishness and decides to return to his father and ask for forgiveness and mercy. The father who has been watching and waiting, receives his son back with open arms of compassion. He is overjoyed by the return of his lost son. Immediately the father turns to his servants and asks them to prepare an enormous feast in celebration of his son's return. Meanwhile, the older son boiles in anger when he comes in from working the fields to discover a party with music and dancing to celebrate his younger brother's return. The father tries to dissuade the older brother from his jealous rage explaining, "You are always with me, and everything I have is yours."

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