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Writer's pictureSheryl Tagab


Updated: Sep 25, 2020

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A written Arabic literature began to be known with the collect of Koran, the sacred book of Islam, In Arabia in 17th century A.D. with the spread of the Islamic faith into Asia, Africa and Europe, the Arabian language soon became a major world language. Today it is read or understood by hundreds of millions of people. Even before the revelations of Muhammad were collected in the Koran, however, the Arabs possessed a highly developed poetry, composed of recitation and transmitted from generation to generation. The most famous examples are the elaborated odes or qasdahs, of Mu' allagat (“the suspended odes”), beginning with those of Imru' Alquais. These poems reflected and praised the customs and values of the desert environment in which they arose.


The history of Arabic literature is usually divided into periods making the dynastic changes and divisions that took place within the Islamic world.

A. Umayyad Period ( A.D. 661-750 )

Arabic prose literature was limited primarily to grammatical treatise, commentaries on the Koran, and compiling of stories about Muhammad and his companions.

The Umayyad poets, chief of whom where Al-Akhtal and Al-Farazdaq, favored poetic forms such as love lyrics called (Ghazals), wine songs and hunting poems. These forms the conditions of life and manners found in territories conquered by Islam.

B. Abbasid Empire (750-1258)

In the early years of this empire, many forms were invented for Arabic literature, which then entered what is generally regarded its greatest period of development and achievement. It is certain that the Persian influences contributed significantly to this development. For example, translations from Persians, such as those of “Ibn al -Muqaff”, led to a new refinement in Arabic prose called adab, often sprinkled with poetry and utilizing rhyme prose (saj'), the style of Koran. The greatest masters of adab were Al jahiz and Al Hariri.

An inventive type of folk literature, exemplified in “ The Thousand and One nights” popularly known as Arabian nights), drew upon the recitations of wandering storytellers called rawis.

Abu Nuwas was acknowledged as the foremost among the new poets who used the Arabic language with greater freedom and imagination. An experimental tradition now vied with classical traditions, some poets excelled in both traditions; al- Maarri and Al- Mtanabi are regarded as the greatest among them. In spain an independent poetic tradition culminated in exquisitive lyrics of Ibn Zaydun and Ibn Quzman. The romance of the Antar, closest work to an epic in Aarabic , was also written about this time.

C. Modern Period

During the centuries of Ottoman Turkish domination, Arabic literature fall into decline. Not until the mid 19th century was it revived by its intellectual movement as Nahdah ( “reawakening”), which originated in Syria and spread to Egypt. From being imitative to Europeans, Modern Arabic literature, both prose and poetry , has gradually freed itself from centuries of neglect and has addumed its former place among the worlds greatest literature.

Arabic writers of the past hundred years have been extremely versatile. Most of their work is characterized by strong concern for social issues.

Outstanding among the recent Arabic novelists, dramatists, and essayists:

: Tawfig al- Hakim,

: Nobelist NgaguibMahfouz, taha Husayn

: Poets, Ihiya Abu Madi, Adonis , Ahmad Shawqi, Abu Shadi and abbas al Aqqad

Many otther works have been translated and are enjoyed by non- Arab connolsseurs of literature everywhere.


Studded with names of brilliant writers such as the essayist al- jahiz and Abu Hayyan al – tawhidi and the critic Ibn qucaybah, it was also during the period that the works of Abual- alaal- maari become popular with his letter in saj and the Risalat al -Ghufran which pictures a visit to the world.

Mora, instructive and assuring anecdotes, became popular too and the most outstanding compiler of anecdotes was TANUKHI who was responsible of 3 competitions of anecdotes like:

- Niswar al -Muhadarah ( the table of Mesopotamian Judge)

- Mustajad (Anecdotes of Generousity)

- Farah Ba'd al Shiddah (Deliverance after Anguish)

These kinds of works led to a new literary form, the Maqamat (Assemblies), initiated by al - Hamadhani , Hamadhani's Maqamat is a collection of short stories , mainly picaresque, woven round the names of 2 fictious protagonists. Genre was developed a century later by Al – Hariri.


There is not much evidence of written literature among the Arabs before the Islamic period. Oral traditions, the poetry of the north Arabs, particularly the Bedouin tribes of fifth and sixth centuries , are the most outstanding in artistry and sensuousness of feelings. Poetry was constructed in elaborate meters of which sixteen are universally recognized.

All verses are divided into types:



1. Ocassional Poems- Consisting 2 to 20 lines whose themes are usually war and revenge and praise of ones tribe

Various genres fall to this are:

- Elegies

- Praising the dead; the most famous type of Kansa.

- The odes of Quasida

- Was an elaborate ode usually of 60 to 100 lines

- Themes were usually about exploits of narrator, his old passion, and descriptions of camp life in honor of his patron. The oral transmission poems lasted for 350 years.

2.Collection or Anthologies- Al-Mu'allgat , a group of pre Islamic odes.


AL Mu- Allkat means “suspended” because these poems were supposed to have been displayed by the Arabs on the Kaaba at Mecca. These collections are ascribed to Hammed -al – ravisaya in 8th century A.D by Amru Ui Kais “most illustrious of Arabian poets” Showed the nomadic life, views and philosophies , visions and their dreams arising from such condition.

AL Hamasa is an anthrology compiled by poets ABRETAMMAN about 836 A.D. Derives its name from the beginning of books and poems. Themes were usually about valor and constant battles , patience , when comforted reality , seeking vengeance, pagan rituals, myths , temptations, treasure, and Arab traditions.

Mujaddiyat is a collection of poems named after MUFFADDALIBN YA'LA who compiled them for the future caliph Mahdt between 762 and 784. Showed hospitality, charity , valor, faithfulness, lavish, entertainment, love for wine and love for chance.


The Food Paradise

The story written by Ibn Amjed entitled "The Food of Paradise" is more about of a religious approach. Ibn Amjed, an Arabian, wherein in their country it was their culture whereas Allah is considered a great figure towards them. The main character of the story Mullah Ibrahim is a teacher in a seminary. One day he just thought that no one appreciates him. So he asked Allah why does he need to suffer. He leave the seminary and went to the City of Baghdad. He stayed underneath the wide tree beside the river and waiting for the bounty of Allah.

He saw something floating on the river and he thought it was food. He received the same thing the next day until he got curious where did it came from. Ibrahim just found himself crying because he had been blind. The food that he always received was the Princess' things used during a bath. He, then, realized that Allah surely gives food to everyone but its quality and kind are dictated by what man deserves.

The Enchanted Horse

Prince Firoz Schah overheard this conversation. He talked to his father about this because he didn't want to distance himself to his sister who's special for him. The king told him not to worry for everything and told him to try the horse if it was truly true. The Indian obliquely tested the horse to the prince. While he was tutoring the Prince, the prince suddenly turned the screw on the horse's neck and it started to flew on the sky without knowing how to stop it. He landed on the rooftop of a huge palace of the Princess of Bengal when he found out the other button close to the right ear of the horse. On the other hand, the king seized the Indian and pay for penalty. If the Prince didn't come home within three months or ninety days, he will be cut of his head. In Bengal, the Princess saw the Prince of Persia beside her and she welcomed him warmly. The Prince explain to her everything. The Princess asked the Prince the next morning if he could stay there for two days more until this become two months or sixty days. They admitted to each other that they love each other at first sight and they got married at the palace of Bengal court. Prince Firouz Schah decided to return to Persia but Princess of Bengal was afraid of losing him because she thought he will never come back again. So, the Princess decided to go too with the Prince and they took their departure after their farewell with the king of Bengal. They both traveled with the enchanted horse and Prince Firouz Schah guided him so well that in two hours and a half from the time of starting, he saw the capital of Persia lying beneath him. When they landed on the capital, they decided to go to the country house at a little distance from the town instead of going first to the palace. Prince Firoz Schah overheard this conversation. He talked to his father about this because he didn't want to distance himself to his sister who's special for him. The king told him not to worry for everything and told him to try the horse if it was truly true. The Indian obliquely tested the horse to the prince. While he was tutoring the Prince, the prince suddenly turned the screw on the horse's neck and it started to flew on the sky without knowing how to stop it. He landed on the rooftop of a huge palace of the Princess of Bengal when he found out the other button close to the right ear of the horse. On the other hand, the king seized the Indian and pay for penalty. If the Prince didn't come home within three months or ninety days, he will be cut of his head. In Bengal, the Princess saw the Prince of Persia beside her and she welcomed him warmly. The Prince explain to her everything. The Princess asked the Prince the next morning if he could stay there for two days more until this become two months or sixty days. They admitted to each other that they love each other at first sight and they got married at the palace of Bengal court. Prince Firouz Schah decided to return to Persia but Princess of Bengal was afraid of losing him because she thought he will never come back again. So, the Princess decided to go too with the Prince and they took their departure after their farewell with the king of Bengal. They both traveled with the enchanted horse and Prince Firouz Schah guided him so well that in two hours and a half from the time of starting, he saw the capital of Persia lying beneath him. When they landed on the capital, they decided to go to the country house at a little distance from the town instead of going first to the palace.

The Prince told the Princess to stay in that country house while he was meeting with the king and informed of their arrival. So, he set out with the enchanted horse to the Palace of Persia. All the people in the palace were surprised and happy when they saw the Prince, especially the king. While the Indian heard the arrival of the Prince. He set a plan on how to revenge on imprisoning him. The Prince told the King all his experiences in his adventure and he also told him that he will marry the Princess of Bengal on that day so they must prepare all the needs for the wedding. But all this rejoices came to an end. The Indian took his leave after he had been out of the prison. He went to the country house where the Princess of Bengal is. He told the doorkeeper that he had been sent by the Sultan and the Prince to fetch the Princess and bring her to the palace. So, the doorkeeper and the young lady gladly agreed to this. The Indian was full of delight with the success of his scheme. The Sultan and the Prince saw the enchanted horse, the Indian and the Princess together above the sky but soon they were out of sight so they didn't do anything at that moment. The Prince decided to find the Princess so he disguised himself with a dervish's dress.

On the other hand, the Indian and the Princess landed on the woods close to the capital of the Kingdom of Cashmere. The Princess called for help. The Sultan of Cashmere, leader of the horseman who heard the scream of the princess, killed the Indian as what the Princess wished to him. He welcomed the princess to stay at his palace, one day, the king of Cashmere decided on his own to marry the Princess without consulting her. The Princess, hearing this, pretended to be mad like a crazy woman. So, the wedding ceremony was postponed. The King of Cashmere decided to summon all the doctors of his court but none of them cure the Princess because whenever they went inside the room of the princess, she broke out into such violent paroxysms, so that no one can discover that she was in perfectly good health. Meanwhile, Prince Firouz Schah arrived in a large city of India, where he heard a great deal of talk about the Princess of Bengal who had gone out of her senses, on the very day that she was to have been married to the Sultan of Cashmere. He created a plan for her beloved princess' rescue. He disguised himself as a doctor (physician). At the palace inside the princess room, he was recognized by the princess and they were reunited again. They constructed a plan, themselves, to escape from the palace. They did successful on their plan. After escaping to the palace of Cashmere, they went back to Persia and they live happily ever after.

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